About NATRA Blog
Saturday, December 26, 2009
Fort Valley Trail System...NOT!!!!
Sara, Rhiannon, Bruce and Neil headed off into the woods with grand plans. The insanely cold air (-5 degrees) gave them delusional thoughts. Their intentions of completing the run were thwarted by the overwhelming need to go get coffee at the Kickstand. The only runner bold enough to head up the Elden Road was Sara who 30 minutes later joined us in the much friendlier confines of the Kickstand. Sara was our hero as the Saturday tradition was saved!!!! 8+ years and running!
Saturday, December 19, 2009
19 runners and 7 dogs headed out of the frozen Flagstaff tundra to the much warmer climes of Red Rock country. Sedona Police Chief Joe Vernier even found some time to join us for the run! NATWA (Northern Arizona Trail Walker's Associations) made their presence felt with 5 runners choosing the much more pleasant pace of walking Huckaby. There once again was a bit of confusion with runners taking a short detaour from the main trail. Once back at the parking lot, Bruce made his annual collection of mistletoe and Susan shared her delicious chocolate chip brownies with the gang. We then had coffee and bagels sitting outside at the Ravenheart.
Download today's photos.
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Seasoned Kitchen Pasta Making Dinner
Tony hosted NATRA's second annual Seasoned Kitchen pasta dinner. Tony and Gail prepared multi-colored salads, Dana baked gluten free browns with crushed almonds and Tony taught everyone how to make pasta. To cap off the night Tony made non-fat vanilla ice cream which perfectly complemented Dana's brownines. It was all for a great cause as we raised $140 for the Northern Arizona Food Bank. Download photos from the dinner.
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Thorpe Park Urban Trail
Despite the snowy, crunchy conditions, 14 runners headed up the urban trail. Due to their injuries, David and Neil enjoyed taking photos. The runners had to work harder than the dogs this time. After the run, we ran into Brandon and Cameron at the toy store and then enjoyed coffee and Tony's blueberry chocolate chip muffins at the Seasoned Kitchen! Download photos from today's run.
Saturday, December 5, 2009
Beaver Creek NATRA Polar Bear Plunge!
12 NATRA runners headed up to the Beaver Creek Pools and were entertained as Sabrina, Mark and Steve jumped into the frigid waters of Beaver Creek!
As we headed up the trail we checked on the 1000 year old petroglyphs and visited the large pueblo ruins that were abandoned about 700 years ago. Once at the pools everyone enjoyed watching Steve, Sabrina and Mark take their plunges into the pools. David and Bruce provided the heckling as Steve was the first to strip down and jump in. Following Mark's lead, Sabrina was the last to jump. See the above video. As we began our return, I overstepped onto a sandstone ledge and snapped a calf muscle. It felt like someone stabbed me with the tip of an agave plant. Quote of the day to my pal David who pointed out "well, at least you didn't injure it at the farthest point away from the trailhead!"....nope it wasn't. That was 5 feet earlier. David of course helped me hobble the 4 miles back to the trailhead keeping me entertained all the way home. Download photos from today's run!
Download Bruce Higgins' photos.
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Arizona Trail - Picture Canyon
Arriving at the Sandy Seep Traihead, the 13 runners made a group decision to head south into unchartered trail country for all, the Picture Canyon Arizona Trail segment. As we headed out, our dilemma became the first trail junction sign...which way did we really need to go? Choosing the correct direction, we ran downhill through the dark culvert under Highway 89. We wondered if we might step on some tansient trying to stay warm, but we made it through the tunnel without incident. Once south of 89, the seemingly gentle terrain was easy to run. Why, because it was virtually all DOWNHILL, which meant only one thing...what goes down, must go up....ahhh...Before turning around we enjoyed the 1000 year old petroglyphs along the Rio De Flag. Thanks to the efforts of many local groups, this section of the Rio De Flag has been cleaned up and the large archaeological site along the canyon has been nominated to the National Register of Historic Places. We crossed the Rio De Flag with all the dogs enjoying a swim in the creek. We unfortunately had to turn around at some point and face the uphill climb in the soft cinders, working at least twice as hard as heading out. This is certainly a run we will incorporate regularly. We then returned to the Seasoned Kitchen for some of Tony's chocolate chip muffins and lates! Download photos from today's run.
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Saturday, November 7, 2009
Buffalo Park - Oldham Trail
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Fort Valley Trail System
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Soulstice Blog
Saturday, October 24, 2009
New Arizona Trail Alignment
14 folks headed out on a beautiful fall day from Aspen Corner below the Snowbowl to run north on the new alignment of the Arizona Trail. This new trail includes the section that NATRA and Flagstaff Biking constructed during last year's trail weekend. It basically follows the 9,000 foot contour line with only minor ups and downs, a rarity for a Flagstaff trail run. The trail offers spectacular views of the Peaks to the east, Sitgreaves and Kendrick Mountain to the west, and in spots, the north rim of the Grand Canyon! We also encountered a heard of elk and deer. While we planned to run 7 miles, Don's gps indicated most did a 9.6 mile run. We also welcomed Flagstaff new comers Erica and Sabrina. We will certainly be adding this run to our regular list, and it will likely be held once in the early summer and on the week before the Flagstaff Marathon when the aspens should be glowing. Tony and Dana then treated us to incredibly hearty Oatmeal Pancakes and coffee at the Seasoned Kitchen. Download photos from today.
Saturday, October 17, 2009
Oktoberfest - Mormon Lake
6 runners headed out on a beautiful fall day from Gunter's rustic cabin on the edge of Mormon Lake. With the lure of brats grilled by Gunter and Oktoberfest beers, runners cut their run short to enjoy the magnificent views from Gunter's deck. As several folks showed up after the run, the first ever NATRA Oktoberfest was a huge hit for all that attended! This winter Gunter has promised us a ski across the lake. Stay tuned and hope for snow! Download photos from today.
Monday, October 5, 2009
War Dog 2009
(posted by Mark Thurston) Rob Hall was "Top Dog" (first to Doyle Saddle) and probably the first one to make the full round trip. I didn't carry a camera, and there was no one else at the saddle when I arrived next behind Rob (he had headed back down already). The wind was howling and blowing fog at about 25 mph through the saddle, so it wasn't looking good to relax there this year and wait for other Wardogs. I decided to run over to the IB (Inner Basin) side of the saddle to get out of the wind, thinking when I turned back I would see a gang at the saddle and get into a group shot. The trail over there was sweet, much smoother than below Doyle Saddle, so I kept going for about a mile and a half or two until I was on a section of trail out of the shelter of the trees, exposed to the weather, with talus above and below. There were a couple big blasts of wind I'd estimate at 40+ mph, then it started raining and sleeting, so I retreated back to the saddle to see if others were around. No one was there so I headed down, passing 5 more Wardogs coming up along the way.
Rusty Knott and I hung around at the Schultz Tank parking lot long after most of the other Wardogs had headed down the hill/home to warm up. We wanted to make sure everyone got back OK from the run. So we were there when the last finishers crossed the line... and the True Grit awards at this year's Wardog go to: Stephanie Sandner AND Valerie Brazzell (they ran and finished together). Here's a picture of them just after they finished. Stephanie is holding her baby Peyton, who patiently waited with husband/dad Jeff at the parking lot for the gritty ladies to return. Download War Dog photos.
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Shultz Creek
Saturday, September 5, 2009
Arizona Trail to I-40
14 runners headed out despite the stormy weather that awoke most of us at 4 AM. We could hear the thunder rumbling and see lightning off in the distance. Eric bohn joined joined run despite his impending nuptuals. We all are excited for the big celebration later today. At the trailhead we ran into my friend Tony Nestor of Ancient Pathways, teaching one of his outdoor survival classes. Afterwards we hit the Seasoned Kitchen for a quick shot of caffeine before getting ready for the wedding. Download photos from today.
Saturday, August 29, 2009
10 runners headed up the Weatherford/Kachina Trails this morning. It was pretty toasty. The chat this morning was all about how well our Flagstaff running friends fared at the Trans Rockies Stage Race! Afterwards we headed down to see the wonderful new space that Run Flagstaff has opened next door to Absolute Bikes! Vince has grand plans for the store so check it out ASAP! Exciting times for running in Falgstaff! Download photos from today.
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Kendrick Trail
17 runners climbed Kendrick Mountain this morning. It was overcast and quite cool with a fall chill in the air. It was great to have a lot of new faces out there today! Jerry took the best spill of the day with blood oozing from his knee. Tony again hosted us at the Seasoned Kitchen serving up even more iced lates than last week! Download photos from today.
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Sunset/Soulstice Sprint Course
Finally, a weekend with no events! I had anxiously awaited this Saturday morning run for weeks as I do every year after the end of the Summer Series. I raced out of the house and got to the trailhead...but no one was there...hmmm. Were we doing Kendrick? Well, I was a bit too excited and had gotten to the trailhead about 10 minutes early. Mackenzie, Caleb and Eric joined in as part of their long runs. Everyone else eventually showed and we had 15 runners ready to take on the hill. With a chilly, gusty wind, it seemed like Soulstice had arrived, reminding us of race day. The course was pretty dusty, but the winds helped push us up the hill. Amazingly, the spring water flowed just above the Lincoln Logs. We ran into Chris Grove donning his broken wrist and pom pom bike handles. Back at the trailhead Tony had pumpkin chocolate chip muffins awaing us before our trip down to the Seasoned Kitchen for iced lattes! Downtown we got great news from Rob that Jill was doing well after her first week of Chemo! For updates visit Rob and Jill's blog. Download photos from today's run.
Saturday, June 13, 2009
A-1 Mountain Run
18 runners headed up the Urban Trail and most of the group went as far as the A-1 Mountain Meadow, 9 miles out and back! We had two new runners join in the fun, Chris from Phoenix and Ian from the University of Indiana! Remarkably, there is still standing water along some of the Forest Service Roads. While I was making pretty good time on the downhill return run, I ended up late for coffee at the Seasoned Kitchen as I ran into a bunch of longtime friends, Dana, Nat (The Godfather of our Urban Trail Sytem!) and Merk (Executive Director of Big Brothers Big Sisters of Flagstaff). After spending a bit of time chatting I returned to find the gang comfortably enjoying the Seasoned Kitchen. Download today's photos!
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Sunset - Soulstice Sprint Course
19 runners and 5 dogs ran the sprint course of Soulstice. We again felt as though we were running through a rain forest. With the recent unusual wet weather, we found water ponds along Sunset! When we hit the Lincoln Logs, Little Gnarly junction, Schultz Creek was flowing! We barely kicked up any dust and marveled at the lush greenery throughout the run. Tony then served up some strong espressos at the Seasoned Kitchen and as we left the next round of large raindrops began to fall. Let it rain, rain, rain!!!! Download photos from today's run.
Saturday, May 23, 2009
21 runners showed to head up Waterline on another dreary, damp Memorial Saturday run! With drizzle and low clouds overhead, the usually hot and dry Forest Road made for a pleasant uphill run. With last night's rain and the cloud cover, it seemed more like a run through a rain forest! There were a lot of new faces including Erik from Minneapolis who found time to sneak in the NATRA run despite being just 6 days away from directing the newest Minneapolis Marathon! At the end of the run we all returned to the Seasoned Kitchen for Coffee and Brett provided samples of Uncle Buzz's delicious chocolates! Download photos from today's run!
Saturday, May 9, 2009
Schultz Creek Trail
A whopping 17 runners showed up to run Schultz Creek. It was great to see so many new faces. In fact, for the first time, it was beyond me to remember all the new names! It was great to have a gentleman from Toronto, our first international runner! As we bolted from the parking area kicking up dust, we quickly got into the cool shade of the ponderosa pines. Several runners caught up in the beauty of the forest managed to trip and fall. We could not find the usual widow maker stumps or rock suspects and decided we had to blame it on the jumping trail sand pixies of Schultz Creek.
Dave pointed out the collapsed "Leaning Tower of Schultz Creek", a monumental snag (dead ponderosa) that stood mightily along the rock garden for as long as I can remember. On my first run up Schultz Creek in 1986, I remembered seeing the leaning tree and thinking that it could fall over at any moment. Well that moment came during this past year. The question is, did anyone hear it?! We took the obligatory runner under the fallen tree shot and moved on.
About 1.5 miles up the trail we encountered running water! What a sight to see and we wondered if there would still be some patches of snow near the Lincoln Logs. The further up we got, the harder the creek ran - well enough to hear the bubbling, flowing water, always a treat around Flagstaff! We made it to the Lincoln Logs (no snow) and notably, more than half the group continued on up Little Gnarly to Rocky Ridge. The rest of us only imagined the blazing hot sun those folks encountered on the rather open unsheltered Rocky Ridge Trail. We then returned to Tony's Seasoned Kitchen for some awesome Cranberry Muffins and Iced Cafe Lates! Download photos from today's run!
Saturday, May 2, 2009
Oldham-Girls on the Run Day
Nine runners showed up to tackle the Oldham steps and Rocky Ridge on a blustery Saturday morning. Anne Marie, Mark, Neil, Tab, Peter, David, Sara, and Tony were joined mid trail by Michael. After finishing the run, they all enjoyed watching or helping with the Girls on the Run 5K. See the NATRA web page for photos of this outstanding event! Download today's photos.
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Arizona Trail along Walnut Canyon
17 folks ran the Arizona trail on a blustery Saturday morning. Newcomers Mike, Joel, Jennifer, Jillian, and Melissa joined Bob, Don, Rhiannon, Eric, Janie, Mackenzie, Neil, David, Tony, Jut, Bruce, and Sara as they jumped over downed trees, battled the gale force head winds and climbed in and out of a side drainage of Walnut Canyon. The winds did not seem to slow Annika and Skylar. The downside of the outbound winds meant a return tail wind to push them home. Afterwards all headed to the Seasoned Kitchen and Tony's cranberry muffins, Chai Tea and made to order coffee drinks! Download today's photos
Saturday, April 18, 2009
Margs Draw to Broken Arrow to Chicken Point
Christopher, Jenny, Neil, Eric, Janie, Daniel, Gayle (going long from I-40 down Schnebly Hill Road), Mackenzie, Amber, Noreen, Rhiannon and Tim ran Marg's Draw to Chicken Point. Gnocchi, Sklar and Soren dogged the run. Along the way they made the usual wrong turn and added a mile to the run. Later, they ran into more jeep tours than ever as tourist season in Sedona is hitting its peak. Spring surely seems to have sprung today as the temperature quickly heated up during the run. After 2 hours of running in the heat, all Tim could say was, "Running is stupid". We then all huddled around the shade at New Frontiers and enjoyed iced drinks, the scene a far cry from the chilly runs of late. This was the last Sedona run until next November.
Download today's photos.
Sunday, April 5, 2009
NATRA meets Earth Marathoner Kanpei!
Mark, Neil, Rhiannon and Sara met up with Earth Marathoner Kanpei on Route 66 late this afternoon! He was so quick we had enough time to take a few snap shots and then could barely keep up as he heard there was ice cream at the Woody Mountain Store! But seriously, what a remarkable feat that Kanpei is accomplishing! Kudos to Kanpei! We wish you luck on your journey!
Jim Thompson Trail
Seven runners, three dogs, four walkers, and Cameron escaped a blustery winter morning in Flagstaff to enjoy the spring climate of Sedona, 3000 ft down the hill! Thanks to David Blanchard and the Running Bob for providing photos of the run. Download photos from the run.
Saturday, April 4, 2009
Earth Marathoner in Flagstaff!!!
challenge to run and sail, non-stop, around the world.
Kanpei has already covered more than 14000 km, from Japan and 70 days
across the Pacific by yacht, and today is day 109 of his journey,
He's currently running across Arizona, and he is due to arrive in
Flagstaff in the next couple of days. You can find out more about Earth Marathon at the Supporters Club website, where there are daily photos, videos and maps.
Saturday, March 28, 2009
Fort Valley Trail System
Kristen, Jenny, Neil, Tobin, Peter, Bruce, David, McKenzie (and Annika), Chris and Tobin (Josie and Wyatt), Amber (Soren), and Dave ran up and up and up the Fort Valley Trail system until they finally hit the pipeline. Starting out the crew spied an Earth First petroglyph in the cement footing at the gate. In all the years of running, no one had ever noticed this. We figured, well, when the gate is open, we don't go by the footing, and when the gate is closed, it is covered by snow. Always something new to see! Once we hit the trail, we ran into biker friends Jackie and CJ out for a morning ride from Cheshire. We had several stream (snow melt) crossings and ran through the Fort Valley restoration treatments which have provided great views of the Peaks! Afterwards we returned to Tony's seasoned kitchen for coffee and that was when the real fun began. Amber had to drop Soren off at home so the guys tried to figure out how to use the coffee machine. Thanks to Dave's heroic efforts, the group had strong espressos by the time Amber returned. Thanks again to Tony for providing us a great place to hang out! !Download run photos.
Sunday, March 22, 2009
I Heart Huckaby Trail!
Thanks to Bruce Higgins we have the following post and photos!
It was a beautiful day in the Sedona environs as Susan, Steve, Pam, Mckenzie, Jason, Elizabeth, Dean, David, Dave, Bruce, newcomer Brett (lately of Vermont and a pastry chef lookign for work), and, of course, Annika ran this short, but hilly route. The verbena and blackfoot daisys were in full bloom as spring has come!Download today's photos.
Monday, March 16, 2009
Cibola Pass, Jordan, Soldiers Pass, Brins Mesa Loop
David) ran the Cibola Pass--Jordan--Soldiers Pass--Brins Mesa loop
trail. This is a great running trail with some steep but short climbs
and an incredible view from the top of Brins Mesa. It is a 5-mile loop
but with the spur trails can easily be extended to 8 miles. The last 2
miles are an easy downhill cruise back to the trailhead. Everyone agreed
this should become a regular NATRA run.
Sedona celebrated St. Patricks Day on Saturday with a parade down Jordan Road, our access road to the trailhead. After zigging and zagging
through the neighborhoods we were finally able to get around the parade
route and to the trailhead. And we had coffee afterwards, of course!
Saturday, March 7, 2009
Observatory Mesa Run
On a cold, blustery morning with pesky snow showers, 20 runners braved the hills of Observatory Mesa. This run always amazes me as no matter what the conditions, we can always count on about 20 runners showing up. I'd bet if we tracked the largest tournouts during our eight years, 5 of the top ten would be for this tough Observatory Mesa. It certainly is not the most scenic run we do, however, the convenient location must be the draw as no other run is closer to the coffeeshops! The three Daves, Robert and the Running Bob, Bruce, Brian, Doug, Josh, Tony, Steve, Eric, Neil, Sara, Heather, Rhiannon, Mackenzie, Jessie, Susan, Shea and dogs Petzl, Dharma, Bob and Annika fought the hills and chills all to return to the Seasoned Kitchen for Tony's freshly baked Sweet Potato Muffins and coffee. David McKee broke out Pennington's finest Kahlua and the fun began!
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Beaver Creek Run
Janie, Mackenzie, Neil, Amber, Bruce, Dave, Bob, Chris B,
Chris P, Rhiannon, Jason, Peter, Susan and dogs Josie, Wyatt, Sklyar and Anika ran up to the pools along Beaver Creek. Cameron again led Brandon off on an epic hike on their own. Along the trail David and Neil spied numerous petroglyphs confirming they were retracing an ancient trail. Flowers along the edge of the trail gave runners their first hint of spring! All warmed up at the Campus Coffee Bean at the end of the run.Download today's photos.
Saturday, February 7, 2009
Sedona Marathon Aid Station 5
For the 4th consecutive year, NATRA staffed AID station 5 at the Sedona Marathon supporting the efforts of over 700 Marathon and Half Marathon runners. NATRA had a record 12 volunteers who cheered on the runners which included many of their friends from Flagstaff. Thanks to Janie, Shea, Ande, Sara W, Bruce, Neil, Theresa, Michelle, Kathleen, Winona, Isaac and Sara who again had a blast pouring water, handing out food, bandaids and words of encouragement! Download today's photos.
Saturday, January 31, 2009
Cathedral Rock
Janie, Mackenzie, Jessie, Amber, Bruce, Don, Steve, Neil, Bob, Sara, Chris, Rhiannon, Tim and dogs Josie, Wyatt, Sklyar and Anika ran to Cathedral rock on yet another spectacular Sedona Saturday. Brandon and Cameron sported their new "Olivia" baby sling while hiking around on their own. In the slide show check out Steve's NATRA tatoo! Download today's photos.
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Oldham Steps
David, Bruce, Amber, Mackenzie, Janie, Tony, Eric, Neil, Jutt, Sara, new comer Jessie and 3 dogs (Skylar, Annika, and Jasper) sloshed through the ice, mud and slush over the 4.5 miles of the first two Oldham steps. Our newbie runner Jessie doing her student teaching here seemed unphased by the inclement weather, a far cry from what she's used to in North Dakota! Bypassed by many, before the steep climb back up to Buffalo Park, we spied a Beale Wagon Road trail marker breaking through the snow. Lt. Beale led a survey crew in the late 1850s to build the first federal wagon road across the west. Visit the TomJonas web site to learn more about the history of the Beale Wagon Road. We again found ourselves recovering from the damp chill of the run at the Seasoned Kitchen. Download today's photos.
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Kahtoola Snow or No Snowshoe Run!
On a typically sunny Flagstaff winter morning, 34 athletes lined up to race the Kahtoola Snow or No Showshoe Run for two great causes - Camp Colton and the Chris Klug Foundation. Camp Colton is Flagstaff's outdoor environmental education center for 6th graders while the Chris Klug Foundation is dedicated to promoting lifesaving donation and improving the quality of life for donors, donor families, organ transplant candidates and recipients.
In the 10K, Sylvester Coons defended his men's title and won the race in 52:58 ahead of Eric True (58.45) and Ryan Stevens (61.28). Laurie Lambert did the same on the women's side in 65.33 ahead of Sara Wagner (72:17) and Kara Huffman (88:41). In the 5K, Ben Sullivan won in 28.46 just ahead of Abe Springer (29.00) and Edward Amphleet (33.39). One the women's side, Dara Marks-Marino set the pace at 31.52 followed by Katie Haugerud (33.47) and Lisa Hutchinson (40.36). See full results.Most runners walked away breathless not only from the altitude but from the beautiful Flagstaff Nordic Center trail system that provided gasping climbs. At the end, most walked away with their oxygen tanks replenished and great gear prizes from Kahtoola!
Next up is the Saturday, March 14 Kahtoola Aggassiz Uphill Challenge! Don't miss out! Registration is available on Active.
Download today's photos.
Saturday, January 17, 2009
Munds Wagon Trail
Sara, Tony, Amber, Rhiannon, Tim, Bob, Neil, Janie, Tobin, Chris, Eric, Bruce and new comer Jamil ran the old Munds Wagon Trail up to the Merry-Go-Round and back. Built between 1896 and 1902 the trail criss-crosses Schnebly Hill Road. We even ran up some of the original Wagon Road! Once at the "Merry-Go-Round" we noticed most runners had Salomon trail shoes so we got some rather colorful shots! The 4 pooches had a special treat the trail paralleled a rarely seen stream! After the run, we again headed down to the Ravenheart Cafe and New York Bagel Deli, this time eating outside in the spring like conditions. Download today's photos.
Saturday, January 10, 2009
Schultz Pass Road
David B, Rhiannon, Tim, Tony, Mackenzie, Chris, Bruce, Neil, David M, Susan, Sara, Amber, and Janie braved the fierce head winds on a snow packed Schultz Creek Road run. Kahtoola microspikes kept everyone upright. While several made it to the Lincoln Logs, others headed down the hill early tempted by the innaugural post run coffee at Tony's Seasoned Kitchen! Download today's photos.
Saturday, January 3, 2009
Chicken Point Run
Chicken Point run attended by David B, Susan, Dana, Chris, Tobin, Neil, Bob, Sara, Heather, Janie, Amber, Mackenzie, Don, David M, Jutt and 6 dogs! We ran into one lone Pink Jeep Tour at Chicken Point and we almost beat it back to the trail head. With a chill in the air, we warmed up with coffee at the NY Bagel Shop and Mackenzie found some good Challa bread for Brandon! Download today's photos.
Thursday, January 1, 2009
Happy New Years!
On short notice, what a great turnout for our inaugural New Year's Day Run! 22 runners (with Angus asleep in the baby stroller) and 4 dogs. Kudos to Chris, Neil, Margaret, Christie, Dana, Robert, Don, Megan, Howard, Anne, Bruce, Susan, David, Charlie, Heather, Sara, Tracy, Greg, Angus, Amber, Tony, Mackenzie for putting their hangovers aside! Running the snow choked streets of Coconino Estates, we definitely made our presence felt in town!