4 NATRA runners kept the 11+ year tradition of never canceling a run by celebrating Flagstaff's first raging snowstorm at Fort Tuthill. Bruce and Neil trudged through about a 3 miles of knee deep snow before their knees gave out, while David and Susan laid tracks with their cross country skis.
The run comes in anticipate of our "virtual" Mayan Apocalypse 5K. On December 21st we ask as many runners as possible to join us in this celebratory event. On Facebook, join in at http://www.facebook.com/neil.weintraub.92#!/events/225524970913930/ - You can also order the hilarios and spiffyshirts at http://www.ramblebrothers.spreadshirt.com - If you join we will share photos of runners wearing the shirt from across the globe!. Simply like our page on Facebook at http://www.facebook.com/pages/Northern-Arizona-Trail-Runners-Association/218377476572?ref=hl Hope that many of you will join us in this fun way to celebrate the end of the Mayan Calendar!!!!