The group strikes a NATRA pose
Once all found their way back to the ranch at Mountainaire, many nursed their aching bruises, and all enjoyed a post-run potluck at David and Oso's packed house of goodies. Next week, Highline Trail, Sedona. Afterwards we have been invited for a potluck to Marg Haas' house off Dry Creek Road. It will be a longer day in Sedona, so bring a dish to share!
This is the slippery section that put two runners on their butts.
This hill had everyone crawling on all fours by the top.
Back at the McKee ranch, Stephanie voice filled the forest with her beautiful lullaby for Jen.
Jen and Tzeidle found a good use for Neil the hammock swayer.
Susan and Jake help soothe Stephanie's twisted ankle.
Enjoying David's kitchen.
David's new best friend.