About NATRA Blog

This page is meant for folks to post their thoughts on the Saturday group run. I (Neil) will post a blurb about who showed up and where it was held. From there, I hope that other runners will share their thoughts since we often have different experiences on the same run. Enjoy!

Saturday, December 27, 2014

Refrigerator Gulch Run


With the temperature hovering around 20 degrees, snowflakes from the cloud over Elden pelting us, and a howling wind that made the wind chill well below zero, 9 NATRA runners ran 5 miles on the Flagstaff Loop Trail. As a result of the season, their outfits looked more like a Christmas light display than anything else; today NATRA left no color behind. After ascending "Refrigerator Gulch" the frozen snot icicles beneath their noses began melting on the Flagstaff Loop Trail. Once off the mesa and back on the Urban Trail, the winds pushed us all the way to the KickStand where we all successfully defrosted over coffee and easily won the where is Abe on sabbatical now game. Don't forget to kick of the New Year with NATRA at 9 AM Thursday at the Marshall School parking lot for a tour of the Urban Trail and a run through neighborhoods along it!


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