About NATRA Blog

This page is meant for folks to post their thoughts on the Saturday group run. I (Neil) will post a blurb about who showed up and where it was held. From there, I hope that other runners will share their thoughts since we often have different experiences on the same run. Enjoy!

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Brin's Mesa Scramble

11 NATRA runners ran, walked, and mostly scrambled around the magnificent ups and downs of the Brins Mesa Loop hitting the Cibola, Soldier's Pass, and Brin's Trails all in 5.2 miles. Unlike several years back when we ran in ankle deep red sedona mud, the run was completely dry.  The steep uphill climbs made nearly all walk or crawl, however, once we topped out on Brins Mesa, the trail mellowed out and we enjoyed something that resembled running. At the trailhead we discovered Sasquatch left his calling card. We then enjoyed coffee in a new shop on Apple Avenue.  Next week Mountainaire Run! Check natra.org for details!

 Running along the edge of a sinkhole
 Anne contemplates a chilly dip at the the 7 pools
 David reaches the top of the big climb

 Cruising along the top of Brins Mesa
 Sasquatch leaves his calling card
 We were thrilled to meet this European tourist!
 Enjoying the post-run coffee

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